Saturday, July 14, 2007

Why I Like Staying Inside

Written by Revenge

This story exemplifies why I don't go outside often. It has to do with people you meet in day to day life. Not the normal kind of people - the kind that are stupid. This story deals with the rare type of extra stupid people - you know, you meet one of these at least once a day. Now, I was helping my dad at work (you meet a plethora of idiots at work) when a white lady accompanied by a black lady walks up to the counter. The black lady orders her food and when I tell her the total (around 5 or 6 dollars) she looks at me like I just made a horrendously distasteful racial joke. She looks around in her purse, but can't find any bills so decides to pull out a cashier's nightmare: three handfuls of coins (one hand belonged to her white friend). They started counting out the coins like complete dumb asses and hand me a fistful of coins. Great.

My dad comes over and takes the coins out of my hand. He counts up the coins and gives them all back to the women and says, "Sorry I can't accept all this".
Dumbfounded (more so than they already were), they asked, "Why not?".
My dad, who loves to make idiots out of people as a hobby, looks at them and says as sincerely and truthfully as he was able to, "Sorry, by law, I can't accept more than twenty-five coins, and you've handed me thirty-five".
Being as stupid as they are, they fall for this blatant bullshit and say, "Oh really?" and my dad quickly confirms.

Now, luckily there was no one in line, or else they would have gotten trampled as both women ran around the general area, with fistfuls of coins, asking RANDOM people if they could convert them into higher coins. I shit you not, they actually stopped a blind man with his (not blind) wife asking them if they could exchange. Every time they had their backs turned, my dad and I were laughing our assess off at what he had actually managed to get these women to do. They returned ten minutes later with over twenty quarters. Now besides the fact that the <25 coin law was utter bullshit, there were three things that never occurred to them which my dad and I didn't have the heart to tell them:

1) They never asked a single person to convert change into bills. They insisted on paying for the food in quarters. It never occurred to them that we accept bills as well...
2) They could have gone to a store and exchanged it all.
3) They could have just used a credit card.

.. Damn, people are stupid.


Luke Dailey said...

this is the worst story i've every read. It's not funny, poorly written, and self the line "those rare type of extra stupid people" then goes on to say "you know, you meet at least one a day..".

yeah. real rare. you only meet at least one a day

Unknown said...


Not that great. Only part I enjoyed was anti-stupid people comments.

bammeh said...

lol, that was funny.

Were they old ladies?