Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Vegetarians Suck

Vegetarianism...the word itself reeks of weakness.

Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, but I've never seen an opinion as wrong as this. Vegetarians, or as I like to call them, Pussies, deprive themselves of the delicious food we call meat. Any intelligent person knows that Meat = Testosterone, and without testosterone a man will turn into a blubbering vagina. His muscles will shrink, his hair will grow long and gross, and before you know it he will be wearing tie-dye clothes and singing in drum circles.

For those of you that are visual learners, I made a handy graph.

Wait, I know what you're thinking, "Ur so stereotypical!!1 Not all vegetarians are weak and stuff!"

You're right, I was generalizing a bit, and for that I apologize.

There are TWO types of vegetarians:
-those that say they don't eat meat because killing animals is wrong
-those that say they don't like the taste of meat

Let's start with the second type first, those who don't like the taste. Listen, buddy, you're not fooling anybody. Meat is the single most tasty food on earth. All vegetarians that "don't like the taste of meat," are really idiots who feeling killing animals is wrong, but don't want to be made fun of every time they are at a restaurant. Seriously, what kind of idiot would rather eat this than a turkey?

Now on to those that believe killing animals is wrong. What do you think our front 8 teeth are for? Pulverizing meat, thats what. If animals didn't want to be killed, they should stop tasting so good. If you ask me, it is people that eat vegetables that are cruel, at least animals have a chance to defend themselves. When is the last time you heard on the news of hikers being eaten by a tree?

Not convinced?
This guy is a vegetarian.
This guy ate meat.


Unknown said...

Can I just point out that eating lots of meat also increases oestrogen levels (girliness).

So ha!

Unknown said...

Actually, Vivan, everybody needs oestogen. Without it, we'd would overdose on testosterone and end up retarded (like XYY 'supermales'). I eat meat, and know that vegetarians are retarded. I know that there is oestogen in the meat I eat, but being a man I know that I needn't worry, because there is plenty of testosterone to balance it out. It's only when the levels of oestrogen are more than testosterone (say, via injection) that we should be worried :)

Unknown said...

Wow. There are just so many idiots in the world. I hate turkey. It's disgusting. I also hate steak, it tastes nasty. I only eat meat when it looks ridiculously delicious, and that isn't often. However, I am completely healthy, and ingest basically no cholesterol and very little fat. People with brains that work as ignorantly as yours should be shot and then cooked up and fed to people in a community barbeque with a scrumptious barbeque sauce and perhaps a side of coleslaw. It's the only contribution you'll be making to society. And we'll all be getting our protien in a pussy-less manner.

:D said...

Wow. You're an idiot. I'm sorry, That's just all there is to it. I've been a vegetarian for 3 years now. I'm completely healthy. They sometimes refer to the wonder of my success as vitamins... They're pretty easy to get to, too. Anyway, It's not that I don't like the taste of meat, in fact, that was sometimes the only part of a meal that was worth eating. It was the fact that the death of an animal that had no real reason of being killed, was being chopped up and fried being sold for 2 bucks a sandwich anywhere in the U.S. It's stupid to kill the weaker species for the sake of a tasty burger or steak. It's even more pathetic that people have so many alternatives that taste just as great, that they won't even give a chance because they're so stuck on their old ways and habits. It's like you're all stuck in this state of cavemen that you just can't evolve out of. I'm not usually the hostile vegetarian type, but when you call something I believe so strongly in and have so many great reasons for being, I'm going to retaliate at an even grander scale with a dicey "you're an idiot." So... You're an idiot...

Janice said...

HAHAHA....I love how vegetarians are trying to defend their pussy ways. I live with a vegetarian....I've eaten vegetarian meals...they all suck donkey balls. The fact that the person above me is taking this blog so goddamn seriously shows how lame and retarded vegetarians are. You are stupid hippies and hopefully you will all die out the way of the cavemen. OMG I can't wait to eat a little baby lamb tonight. The younger the better!

Chris Anderson said...

I am a vegetarian, but its not like I care that others eat meat. Its just that I don't really see why i need to, seeing as i am completely healthy, while i know many people who eat meat that arent so healthy. However, its obvious this guy is either joking, or is really stupid.

bob said...

if its stupid to eat a weaker species than why do sharks and tigers eat us look all you vegetarians should stop whining about the poor little chicken or calf so the fuck what we eat it it aint like another one didn't just pop up god put them on this planet for us to eat and nourish our body why do you eat plants they help us breath they put air into our lungs you keep being dumb asses and we all die so good job at failing at life fuck heads

emilywkd76 said...

Everyone is at liberty to freedom of speech and having their own opinion. But seriously, where do people get off telling others what is right and wrong? We have individual thoughts and feelings that differ due to different backgrounds growing up. If people want to eat meat or not, it is up to them to decide. So don't post some stupid blog - whether it's meant to be funny or not - that is just begging for comments.
It's just sad :)
Okay, that's it, the end. :)

Unknown said...

Alright, I have to do this for a blog assignment and this seems like a pretty sufficient place to jump in.
Albert Einstein said something along the lines of, "the next step of evolution for man is when he ceases to eat meat". And was Einstein ever wrong?
Maybe the A-bomb.
Depending on who you ask.
He still got it right though.
Anyways, there are so many positives to a vegetarian diet and so many negatives to one consisting of red meats.
I'm not telling you or anyone to switch their diet of meat, selfishness, and irresponsibility to a diet consisting of some fruits and vegetables, compassion for sentient beings, compassion for your own body, those of your loved ones, and boycott an industry that is purposely selling sick, diseased, and drugged up animals.
It takes 16 to 21 pounds of grain to make one pound of American beef. If we only used that grain for human consumption so many more people could be fed.
99% of meat-eating mothers had significant amounts of DDT in their breast-milk. Compared to 8% for vegetarian mothers. wow. I know. poor kids. maybe thats why there is such an abnormally high amount of stupid people out there today.
Do research. Get informed. Try it out. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. To each his own.

Patricia said...

This article and author: the effect of mad cow disease.

vegetarians rule!

Unknown said...

both opinions seem really retarded. Why do we have to have just one in our life? try and do both at a balance level, so we get the benefits from eating meat and eating vegetables. Meat eaters, the vegetarians are not pussies. Vegetarians, the meat eaters are not retarded. All humans were meant to eat both, not just one. Remember we are omnivores, that means we should eat both, just not at high level. So stop this dumb ass name calling and grow up.

C.Jin said...

You could have at least wrote an intelligent article, not something covered in bullshit and pathetic attempts at humor. There are no valid points in this article at all.

Unknown said...

vegetarians are retarded? hey were not the ones making these long ass articles.we have better things to do. and also, make fun of us all you want, were better in bed :) google it smart ass.

Unknown said...

vegetarians are retarded? hmm... well we arent the ones making these long ass pointless articles. and make fun of vegetarians all u want, they are better in bed than u. google it smart ass.

Carnivore said...

To the person above me. If you truly believe this article to be long then you really need to pass freshman year of high school. Also you claim that his article is pointless and yet you feel that you need to respond with a completely pointless comment. Also I fee if youre a vegetarian you cant be better in bed. That would mean you have to swallow thereby consuming human proteins/dna making you not a vegetarian. To all the carnivores out there...stay awesome.

Unknown said...

You're a sick fuck!
Who do you think you are calling
vegetarians idiots.

You do know you're eating an innocent creature.

I will fucking LAUGH MY HEAD OFF if you got eaten by a shark or bear.
God! That would be awesome!!!

Gimmy said...

Without eating meat we never would have become so intelligent as a species (although there are exceptions to the rule). This is because meat contains more energy then fruits, etc. The extra energy allowed humans to become stronger and faster and develop better brains. This is because animals which have to work for their food (e.g. hunt, trap and kill), and not simply eat roots and berries, need to be able to outmaneuver or outthink their prey. Just look at the animal kingdom. Wolves, Lions and other pack animals tend to be much stronger and smarter then those they hunt. While this is true, it is omnivores that tend to be the smartest, Primapes like us for example. Not totally relying on a single food type/ source allows you to pick and choose what you eat, but a mixture is best. This is why we have our different teeth, incisors to remove the food from what it is attached, canines to rip the food up for easier digestion and molars to grind the food up.

Unknown said...

Thanks for reducing all vegetarians to just two types of people so you can build your strawman argument for whatever reason. So, I'll answer your question with another: When was the last time you heard of a hiker begin eaten by a cow?

iain. said...

August 25th 2009 was the last i heard of a afatal cow attack... dangerous beasts!


Unknown said...

chuck norris will stomp on all vegeterians.

Vjekoslav said...

oh, c'mon, animals eat animals in the wild, if you vegetarans think that animals are equal as humans, then it means we are also animals, and if animals eat animals, then we also can eat animals. meat and vegetables are good, we are omnivores for god's sake, if you think we shouldn't eat animals, tell that to a lion or a bear... we are equal to animals, right? if we are equal to animals, it means we can do everything animals do, so it means if animals eat meat, then WE eat meat. and seriously, why do we have those 8 front teeth? showing off? and about mad cow disease, what about poisonous mushrooms? or better, look here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_poisonous_plants

Dd said...
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Unknown said...

haha I totally agree with this. The celebrity vegetarians are the worst. Check out this article about the 7 dumbest celebrity vegetarians.


MinoxMsia said...

Dudes, those who are trying to be 'smart' saying meat eaters are bad and that this blog is dumb, begging for comments ETC ...

like you ppl said, it is freedom of speech and its free to express whatever one feels like. SO WHATS THE BIG DEAL OF DISSING VEGETARIANS? i am totally supporting this blogger.

those who said that both comments are dumb, id say you are the dumb one. the point for this blog is to diss vegetarians, so don come telling us we should have a stable diet.

to those who said killing animals are bad, its NATURE's way dude. it seems cruel but it is just the way it is. why don't you spend a night in Africa and watch animals tear their prey apart? how cruel is that? grow up...

to C.Jin, you are the pathetic one, the fact that there are people liking this blog makes you dumb with your comments.


MinoxMsia said...

Dudes, those who are trying to be 'smart' saying meat eaters are bad and that this blog is dumb, begging for comments ETC ...

like you ppl said, it is freedom of speech and its free to express whatever one feels like. SO WHATS THE BIG DEAL OF DISSING VEGETARIANS? i am totally supporting this blogger.

those who said that both comments are dumb, id say you are the dumb one. the point for this blog is to diss vegetarians, so don come telling us we should have a stable diet.

to those who said killing animals are bad, its NATURE's way dude. it seems cruel but it is just the way it is. why don't you spend a night in Africa and watch animals tear their prey apart? how cruel is that? grow up...

to C.Jin, you are the pathetic one, the fact that there are people liking this blog makes you dumb with your comments.


Unknown said...

haha, who really cares what people have to say. we are vegetarians, deal with it. live with it and move on. we just like to go to sleep at night thinking we don't have another body in ours. pretty simple. :)

iAmANerd said...
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iAmANerd said...

Parker, I'd just like to say to you.... Einstein FAILED HIGH SCHOOL!!!! And also.... WHO GIVES A CRAP?! I eat meat and I'm PERFECTLY FINE! Also, vegetarians are stupid, because I know a vegetarian who thinks more animals die because they're made into food, so everyone should be a vegetarian, but what dow most animals eat??? VEGETABLES!!!! THUS PROVING VEGETARIANS DO NOT FUNCTION PROPERLY!

earthling said...

All I can say is that everybody should watch the documentary called "Earthlings".It's free at earthlings.com
You will find the truth about how animals are treated before they get on our plates. There's absolutely no excuse for humans to treat another creature like that for entertainment, food, clothing or medical research. I became a vegetarian after watching the documentary.

Unknown said...

^ agreed with you completely.

Vjekoslav said...

earthlings? let me guess: it's made by peta?

Emz11 said...

Just because other animals do it, doesn't make it right! Animals do a LOT of things humans would not do, but because we are cleverer, we DON'T DO IT! Why don't we eat each other, answer, because we are clever enough to know it is wrong. Eating meat does not make you healthier. Scientists recomend only a small amount of meat each week.
Some people here are saying that it tastes nice so why should they stop eating it. Would you eat other people just because they taste nice? No, why would you kill another animal just so you can have something nice to eat?
Thirdly, humans have no natural predators (unlike what bob said)and plants DON'T FEEL PAIN! I'm not saying that Meat-Eaters are idiots, I'm just saying, don't insult what you don't know. I am also greatful for all the sensible comments on this blog (emilywkd76 and Mark.)
Final point (I assume almost no-one will read this all the way through) tO Gimmy, see the first point. Anyway, feel free to believe what you believe, but don't insult other people please. Thank you.

Unknown said...

i read what you said 'emz11', and i totally agree. very smart statement aswell. and the whole thing people say that vegetarians are bad for taking vegetables away from animals? theres plenty of it. people just try to find reasons to pick on vegetarianism.

Wenchlock said...

Well everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if it is wrong. You say eating meat is all about getting your testosterone, but that is a chemical produced within our own bodies, not from the food we eat. And as far as meat being so tasty... It really is not unless it is seasoned with a butt-load of spices. A nice filet mignon is good when it is pan seared and has a really good layer of salt and pepper corns. Without that seasoning, it tasts like pure, grade A crap.

Unknown said...


۩RITH!!!♥G.O.D♥ JOINING WORLDS!!!!!!!۩ said...
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YouWantMyName? said...

I eat a 2 chickens a week and also a couple of steaks. Tuna most lunch times and whey protein after a work out.....damn does it work. I could keep the fat on veggies but could I build muscle noway man....also to quote what some people live by..

Genesis 9:1-3 says: "Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. The fear and dread of you will fall upon all of the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air, upon every creature that moves along the ground, and upon all the fish of the sea; they are given into your hands. Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, now I give you everything."

Abhimanyu PS said...

Wow, you people are calling vegetarians idiots while Newton, Einstein were vegetarians. And do you think Hawking eats meat? Well, he gets everything intervenously, so there is no question of meat in Hawking's food.

Stop acting as if all boys need to be like that ugly fool who you showed (and claimed that he ate meat). The vegetarian person is much more non-evil looking.

@Janice. Watch some animal slaughter videos, and I would like to know your reaction now about that baby lamb you ate.

@bob. This is the worst anti-vegetarian comment I've ever seen in my life. Why should humans not eat meat? Same reason as why we are not cannibals. Because animals' brains are unfortunately not developed as ours. I wish they were but... And methods matter too. The tiger just snaps the deer's nerve and it does not feel pain anymore. But humans,... watch some animal slaughter videos.

And watch PeTA's "Chew on this" video. Look at the part which says "This is NOT what wings are for."

Besides, stop putting god into everything.

And meat-eating just kills more plants.

And what's so bad about eating something which does not feel any pain? Are you saying that those trees are screaming in Autumn? No. And all the experimental data that supports plant perception also supports the statement that metals feel pain.

@C.Jin. These meat-eaters CANNOT write intelligent articles because 1 they have no good reason and 2 because they may have mad cow disease.

@:D. Yes. The animals are defenseless. And eating animals that way, just isn't fair.

@ Parker. Perfect. What you said is completely true.

@Patricia. Yes, of course. This mad person are making these nonsense posts only because they have mad cow disease.

@devilflesh23: Who said we are omnivores? We have some slightly sharp teeth only because we are mammals. Horses and cows also have slightly pointed teeth. Do they eat meat? No. Only in pathetic factory farms where they are forcibly fed meat (including their own species')

@sshheellyy2525: Yup. We don't write idiotic articles. We just point out to omnivores why it is better to turn vegetarian.

@Carnivore. Are you sure you're carnivore? Ever ate a vegetable before? You're an omnivore. I know you will never be herbivore, but still... We need to post comments because it is human tendency to argue. And vegetarians are vegetarians because they don't want to cause cruelty. Not because we don't want to eat our DNA or any such rubbish.

@Nicole: It would be more fair if these people are slaughtered like cows or pigs or chickens or goats or sheep.

@Gimmy: Then how do you explain the fact that most of the greatest researchers (Newton, Einstein, Hawking, maybe even Schrodinger, Ramanujan, Subramanyam Chandrashekhar, the Pythagoreans, Socrates,...) were vegetarians?

@Mark. Ya, this guy seems quite closed-minded.

@jahn. Who is Chuck Norris? Why should he stomp on us? Is he a giant?

@Vjekoslav: Our brains are more developed than other animals, thus we know what is right and what is wrong. Though you clearly do not.

@david: What's so great about writing garbage?

@Nicole. Yup. Who cares what these people say.

@Olivia. I hope you know that nobody's intelligence is comparable to Einstein's, so stop boasting.

@Jian: Well, animals should have freedom too!

@Emz11: Yup.

@YouWantMyName?: Wow, you've killed an unbelievably large number of animals. You must be a carnivore.

Abhimanyu PS said...

Even your graph has axes wrongly labeled. This is the meaning of your graph:

The more testerone you have, the more meat you eat.

I think you should revise your elementary school math.

Vjekoslav said...

Cool story bro.

Abhimanyu PS said...

@Jian. I think YOU should spend a night in Africa and see how the animals really kill their prey. This is how a tiger kills a deer, for example:

The tiger just bites off the sensory and motor nerves, and done, the deer cannot feel any pain.

Vjekoslav said...

Abhimanyu: Seriously, you're still commenting on this crap? I don't care about animals and there's nothing you can do.

Unknown said...

This post is hilarious. And yes. I am a vegetarian.
I gave up eating meat, fish and animal by-products around 2 years ago. Unfortunately it means I now have to endure life with no testicles. On the plus side - one less cancer to worry about!

Rocket Roo Roos said...
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