Monday, July 16, 2007

Superman is Here!

Two guys were in town for a convention. The hotel they were staying in had a bar on the top floor so they decided to go. While they were there, they saw a man jump up and declare he was done drinking for the night and going back to his room. He ran over to the window and jumped out. Everyone in the bar rushed over to the window to see him slowly fall headfirst then flip himself over and land on his feet. Everyone in the bar was amazed by this. A few minutes later the man came up, drank some more, once again declared he was done, and jumped out the window doing the same as before. Once again everyone was amazed. The man came back up again so the two men decided to ask him how he did it. He told them there were air vents on the ground and if you jumped right you could float down safely. The two men decided to try it. The two men died trying it. "You can be such a bitch sometimes, Superman," said the bartender.

1 comment:

Flash Gordon said...

LOL! That's hilarious, Thanks man!