Monday, July 30, 2007

Neofreaks vs. The Real World

Neofreaks vs. The Real World

Neofreaks, which is commonly described as 'A place to get away from the real world', has been an established Neopets cheating community since late July of 2004 (Thank you Axe for this reference). Amongst this community, there are many social categories in which each and every member fall into. These categories include, but are not limited to:

The Obsessed and Helpless
: This category includes the members who spend countless hours browsing the forums. The consequences of being obsessed and helpless are dire and usually result in falling into the Socially Inept category. Whilst browsing the forums, some users are apt to grab a snack from the downstairs cupboard. One Little Debbie Fudge Round leads to two Little Debbie Fudge Rounds, two Little Debbie Fudge Rounds leads to five Little Debbie Fudge Rounds and before you know it, you look like Augustus Gloop, the great big greedy nincompoop. After consuming these highly carbohydrate/G.I saturated foods, your face will begin to break out into a thousand zits. These zits consume your face and push you lower on the social hierarchy. These obsessed and helpless people can be interpreted in real life as the kids who spend their day in the computer lab instead of becoming engaged in social interactivity.


The Socially Inept
: This category includes those who make themselves look like a jerk on the forums; consequently forcing everyone hate them. As described above, one can fall into the socially inept category by eating one too many Little Debbie Fudge Rounds. Never fear acne infested children! Pro-Active is here! These unfortunately socially inept people can be interpreted in real life as the poor nerd who sits in a chair at a school dance eating Doritos and Skittles the whole time, afraid to ask his fellow nerd lover to 'dance' with him/her.

The Self Indulged Losers
: This category includes those who constantly put themselves down and claim to have no friends in 'The Real World'. This category is commonly looked down upon for reasons such as a sympathetic excuse, a compliment fisher or someone who truly has no friends in real life and wishes to express their pain to those who could really give two hoots less. These self indulged losers can be interpreted in real life as an emo kid who slashes his wrists and brags about it to everyone.

The Programmers
: This category includes the self proclaimed geniuses who think highly of themselves and only themselves. Though not all programmers are arrogant jerks, most of them believe they are of high hierarchy status; therefore looking down upon others, believing them to be nothing more than a peasant. Programmers can be interpreted in real life as a jock or stud.

The 1337 Hax0rz
: This category includes the few who actually know a thing or two about computer hacking. These members have the right to be full of themselves, unlike the many other people who believe themselves to be king of the noobs. These 1337 Hax0rz are rarely spotted and may cause decrepitation on contact. These "1337 Hax0rz" can be interpreted in real life as someone who has good looks and charming charisma.

The Nice People
: This category includes those who are unconditionally in an ecstatic mood. Like the 1337 Hax0rz, these members are rarely sought and may be contagious. You've been warned. These people can be interpreted in real life as the teachers pet or just a genuinely nice person.

The Trolls
: This category includes the pathetic attention seekers who surf around NF only to put others down. These members are generally looked down upon by the Neofreaks community, but may be funny at times. These 'trolls' usually go too far and end up being crushed by the ban hammer. The trolls can be interpreted in real life as the bullies who pick on the weak.

The Funnies
: The funny people, also referred to as "The Funnies" are some of the greatest people you can come by on an online forum. Unlike trolls, Funnies expose their comedy in a tasteful manner. These select few are of high status on the social hierarchy. This can relate in real life in a sense that a "Funny" can be interpreted as a Class Clown.

The Internet Thugs
: The Internet Thugs, also referred to as 'e-Thugs', are the people who act tough over the internet, but generally can not back their trash talk up in the real world. These e-Thugs are always looked down upon as being a pathetic attempt for attention. As many people retorted; "You act real tough knowing you're behind a computer screen, hundreds of miles away". The Internet Thugs can be interpreted in real life as the kid in school who talks trash and then gets his ass kicked by all who he/she offends.

The Leecher
: A leecher is described in Urban Dictionary as "Someone who takes a lot and doesn't give much". These leechers are one of the worst things you can come by on Neofreaks. There are usually altercations between programmers and leechers. After slaving over providing a program for your website, the last thing you want is someone who will download it, use it to the best of his/her advantage and not show any form of gratitude in return. This is usually evaded by incorporating a level system to the website. When the programs don't flow quickly, the leechers get angry. These leechers can be interpreted in real life as someone on a football team that doesn't give it his all in practiced/games. He/she leaves all the hard work to everyone else. When their team loses, they blame all false effort on everyone else when in reality, they're the one to blame.

Here's a diagram to help you understand the hierarchy:


Moderator said...

I'm becoming an etroll. I think.

Faballion said...
This comment has been removed by the author.