Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What would happen if I ruined Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for thousands of little kids?

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows...quite possibly the most anticipated book of the last decade. The last of a fantastic series in which Harry Potter is to either die, or kill his nemesis, Lord Voldemort.

Ever since the first book's release in 1997, Harry Potter has been the number one series among all age groups; each book topping over 100 million sales.

The time has come, in 2 short days, the final book in the entire series is to be released. People everywhere are already lining up outside of book stores, waiting until midnight on Friday to get the book they have been longing for. But what would happen if I ruined it for them?

Since the book has yet to be released, it would be impossible for me to know what would really happen, so I went with the next best thing, lying. But who would fall for a something that everyone knows is impossible to predict. Little kids.

I chose the game Maplestory, to get my message across to the kids. At any given time, Maplestory has over 10,000 players online. It was perfect. I shed out the 5 dollars required to buy a 'Super Megaphone', an item that with one click of the button, sends a message to every player online. It's almost as if they wanted me to ruin Harry Potter for them.

I logged into the game and thought about what message I wanted to send. I only had a certain amount of letters, so I had to be skimpy, yet powerful. I thought about just writing, "Hagrid dies on page 547," but that wasn't powerful enough. Then I thought about going all out, since I'm lying, why not have a lot of main characters die? I suspected it might of been too extreme; no one would ever believe it...then I remembered kids are stupid.

I decided to go with the message, "Ron DiesPG574 Hagrid DiesPG648 Voldemort Dies PG704...Cheers." It just fit in, and it revealed enough about the book to get people pissed off.

The moment of truth came, my hands were sweaty as I typed in the lie. My hand trembled over the SEND button. Maybe I was being too cruel? Some people have waited a good part of their lives for this book. Nah.

Within seconds of posting it, I was flooded with hate messages. Here is a picture of my conversation window 10 seconds after posting.

I'm hurt and confused at the same time. One called me a "fcknbitc," while another just said, "Well Done."

I left Maplestory open for another hour or so and the messages did not stop. I was bombarded with people hating me. One person even said they were going to kill me because I, "ruined their life." Emo.

If there was any part of me that felt bad about posting this, it was gone. Reading the hate mail entertained me, and made me realize how stupid the average kid is.



Flash Gordon said...

HAHAHA! Man, you are a legend! So well thought out! Well Done!

bammeh said...

lol, pwn so hard.